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Cooperative Society

Director Board
Dr Cynthia Catherine Michael (Principal) President (Ex-officio)
Dr Sarlin P.J. Secretary
Ms Sindhu Treasurer
Ann Mary Student Representative

    The college runs a Co-operative Store which is registered as a Co-operative Society under the Co-operative Societies Act 1951 (X of 1952). The management of the society is vested in a Board of Directors consisting of the Principal (as the ex-officio President), two members of the staff (as Treasurer and as Secretary), a staff representative and two student representatives. At present the store has 307 members. Every student over 18 years and every staff member of the college is eligible for admission as a member. A student below 18 years may be admitted as an associate on payment of an entrance fee of Rs. 2/-. The aim of the society is to encourage thrift and self-help as well as to make available books, stationery and other articles to students at reasonable price.
