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Governing Council

  • The Governing Council has the following powers.
  • To approve new programmes of study leading to the award of degrees and diplomas;
  • To fix the fees and other charges, payable by the students with the concurrence of the Government;
  • To approve the rates of remuneration, honorarium, TA, DA and incidental expenses related to examination and tabulation;
  • To approve the code of conduct of examination including the norms for admission to various programmes and to approve and publish results for award of Degrees and diplomas;
  • To institute scholarships, fellowships, studentships, medals and certificates on the recommendations of the Academic Council;
  • To make regulations for sports, extra-curricular activities, proper maintenance and functioning of the playgrounds and hostels;
  • To exercise such other powers and perform such other functions and to constitute such Committees as it may deem necessary for the proper development of the College and to fulfill the objectives of autonomy;
  • By a resolution to delegate to the Chairman, Principal or any other member of the Sub-Committees or ad hoc Committees such of its powers as it may deem fit, subject to the condition that the action taken by the Chairman or the Principal or the members concerned of the Committee/ Sub-Committee / Ad hoc Committee.

  • Members

    1 Rt Rev. Dr Paul Antony Mullassery Bishop of Quilon
    2 Rev. Fr Abhilash Gregory Manager & Chairman, FMNC
    3 Prof. Manoj Gopalakrishnan UGC Nominee
    4 Sri Anil Xavier IAS (Rtd) Management Nominee
    5 Smt. Mary Laly C Y Addl. Secretary, Revenue Dept, Govt. Nominee
    6 Prof. (Dr) K K Sivdas University Nominee
    7 Rev. Dr Joseph John Management Nominee
    8 Dr Shelly M. R. Vice Principal
    9 Mr Christy Clement Controller of Examinations
    10 Rev. Fr Vinod Selastin Bursar
    11 Prof. (Dr) Cynthia Catherine Michael Principal & Secretary

    Pray for Wayanad